XTU Show - June 13, 2009.
Yep, it's finally arrived, the unofficial kickoff to the summer concert season. In preparation, I am [*tear] skipping my line dance outing this evening. It will be worth it because I'll get some dancing in tomorrow at the show. Tonight, I will be hitting up the giant supermarket/everything-under-the-sun store to load up the truck.

Yep, it's finally arrived, the unofficial kickoff to the summer concert season. In preparation, I am [*tear] skipping my line dance outing this evening. It will be worth it because I'll get some dancing in tomorrow at the show. Tonight, I will be hitting up the giant supermarket/everything-under-the-sun store to load up the truck.
- Booze, liquor stores aren't open at 7:30 AM [found that out the hard way]
- Tin foil, tongs, spatula
- Paper plates, napkins
- Toilet Paper, hand sanitizer
- Camping chairs
- ICE, Lotsa ice
- Grill, lighter fluid, charcoal
- Food, Veggie burgers (they don't make you sick if they're not cooked the whole way through)
- Crappy line dance boots (cement isn't ideal for your leather soles)
- Flip flops
- Sunscreen
- Blanket (for the lawn)
- cowboy hat (drinks + impulse cowboy hat purchase = no good)
- Jeans & sweatshirt (it gets cool when the sun goes down with sunburn & the suncreen you forgot to put on)
- Tickets!
- Ladderball, Washers, Magnetic dart board, any other game you "borrow" from your kids
- Cooler
- Bike lock (to lock up your chairs/cooler during the show)
- Charged camera
- Designated driver
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