Saturday, May 30, 2009
sea world san antonio tx

coastal federal credit union
All through history, especially under constitutional democracy, the judiciary has always been seen as the last hope of the common man. That this all-important arm of government has contributed immensely to the consolidation of democracy in the last 10 years is no longer news. Since the enthronement of democracy in the country in 1999, a lot of landmark cases which had hitherto set the country back have been determined. Even cases that would have thrown the country into cataclysm have been resolved with ease. Before 1999, the judiciary was viewed as lagging far behind the other two arms of government, the executive and the legislature. One reason for this was its perceived snail speed approach to matters of urgent national importance. Second, there was the allegation that it was colluding with the executive or the powers-that-be to stall justice. However, the last 10 years have seen the all-important arm of government waking up to its constitutional responsibilities. A revolution has taken place in this vital institution or organ of government.
susan boyle final performance

My money's on Stavros Flatley.
For Susan Boyle, on the other hand, this could be the evening when the bubble bursts. If it hasn't already. The Hairy Angel has had a few hairy moments this week. She's made headlines after what was described as a foul-mouthed rant at a TV set. And later there was an exchange with a couple of onlookers where again strong language was said to have been used. Not quite the image of the church-going spinster with a cat, then.
But who could blame poor Susan if she wasn't feeling the pressure?
Millions all over the world will watch tonight's performance. They will be expecting magic. But sadly for Susan the surprise factor of frumpy looking woman who can actually sing is now old news. What can she possibly do to top that?
For once the description 'overnight sensation' truly does apply. Few people in the history of entertainment have been catapulted so swiftly and so spectacularly to international stardom as shy Susan who is coyly described as having been 'deprived of oxygen at birth'.
Friday, May 29, 2009
french open tennis 2009

spelling bee 2009 winner

I remember that mission well. In 1969, I too was 13. The picture above is the best I could do on short notice to represent age 13. Probably my Confirmation. I too was a first rate speller. On the fast track to the Washington DC National Bee. But something went horribly wrong.
My school, St. Martin of Tours in Amityville, Long Island (yes, THAT Amityville. as in "horror") made such a big deal of my participation in the Long Island finals. During morning announcements the day of the bee, the entire school was asked to say a prayer on my behalf.
canon powershot a480

Roman Loyola, Macworld
Canon's PowerShot A480 ($130, as of May 19, 2009) is designed for people who want to shoot pictures without fussing over camera settings. It's a dead-simple, reasonably stylish point-and-shoot camera to have on hand when you're hanging out with friends and family.
The boxy PowerShot A480 measures 3.6 by 2.4 by 1.2 inches and weighs just under 5 ounces. Its lens, whose focal length ranges from 37mm to 122mm (35mm equivalent), retracts into the body when you turn off the camera. The A480 slips easily in and out of a pocket. Its plastic body feels solid, and the raised metal plate emblazoned with "10.0 MEGA PIXELS" acts as a grip for securing your hold on the camera.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
lance mcgrew
"He's got a tone," says Kyle Busch, McGrew's driver. At a race in March at Bristol, Busch was racing too aggressively too early, so McGrew put his foot down to force Busch to lift his.
"It's like you just took the family car out around the block when you're 8 years old, and you're getting your butt reamed," Busch says. "He's letting you know that ain't the time to be doing that stuff. But later in the race, he'll be like, 'OK, now you can go do that stuff.'
"He can have his problem, kind of bust on you, but five minutes later it's forgotten about."
sotomayor racist comments
Isn't it just amazing how so many conservative columnists and talk radio hosts are suddenly outraged by racism? Editorial writers and politicians who have never before joined the battle against racism are suddenly speaking out! And why?
...Is it because they are sick and tired of the fact that white women and people of color get paid significantly less money for the exact same work and educational levels as white men?
... Is it because they are sick and tired of Latina women earning only 72 percent of what white women earn, and only 57.8 percent of white men?
...Is it because the poverty rate for Black and Hispanic children is triple that of white children?
....Is it because the current recession is disproportionately effecting Black and Hispanic families and sharply increasing the unemployment gap?
No! No! No! and No! While these problems and many more have continued for decades, without nary a peep from these fine gentlemen, what is it that has finally shaken them to their core and made them realize racism is a serious moral problem worth speaking out and fighting against? It is a single comment made by Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor explaining that she "would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life."
the new goodnight kiss

And then came the triplets.
Suddenly, the 1,000-square-foot house seemed very, very small.
When Michelle Ellerbrock was in the hospital, the Similac formula representative who calls there passed word to her about a contest the company was offering. The Similac Custom Nursery Design Contest, sponsored by Abbott Nutrition, was accepting submissions. The formula company had launched a campaign promoting its new packaging with Ty Pennington.
Monday, May 25, 2009
susan boyle site youtube.com memories

susan boyle site youtube.com memories
Chválou nešetřila ani další z členů poroty Amanda Holdenová.
"Vaše vystoupení bylo fantastické, ukousala jsem si všechny své umělé nehty," vtipkovala Holdenová. "Jsem na vás hrdá a jsem hrdá, že takhle brilantně reprezentujete Británii. Svět vás sleduje. Skvělá práce," dodala ještě porotkyně.
wesley eure

Take a journey back in time with the Marshall family through this incredible world of breathtaking wonder. Only in the “Land of the Lost” will you battle dinosaurs one day and encounter beings from other dimensions the next. The Pylons, the Pakuni, evil energy storms … all are part of the awesome television adventure created by legendary producers Sid and Marty Krofft.
Relive your favorite Saturday morning thrills as you rediscover all 43 action-packed original episodes of Land of the Lost: The Complete Series and get $7.50 in Hollywood Movie Money(TM) to see the all-new Land of the Lost movie starring Will Ferrell in theaters June 5.
kathy coleman
Kathy Coleman will play a cameo role in ‘Land of the Lost’ movie slated to release on June 5th. Kathy is a child actress who is known for playing Holly Marshall in the original 1974 TV series on which this movie is based. The film is directed by Brad Silberling and stars Will Ferrell.
The ‘Land of the Lost’ film follows "a disgraced paleontologist, his assistant, and a macho tour guide who find themselves in a strange, alternate world inhabited by dinosaurs, monkey people and reptilian Sleestaks."
Land of the Lost TV series was created and produced by Sid and Marty Krofft. During its original run, it was broadcast on the NBC television network. It was not, however, a prime-time series. It has since become a cult classic and is now available on DVD. It was shot in Los Angeles, California.
Friday, May 22, 2009
naval academy

The speech will be Mr. Obama’s first military academy graduation address as president – a rite of passage for any commander in chief. A senior administration official, previewing the address, said Mr. Obama would use it to “discuss our shared commitment to uphold our fundamental principles and values because they help keep us safe’’ – in effect, a recap of the argument he made Thursday at the National Archives in Washington.
The president also intends to praise the graduates, the official said, for “embracing the virtues we need most right now – self-discipline over self-interest; work over comfort; country over self.’’ If that last phrase – country over self – sounds familiar, perhaps it is because it evokes memories of Senator McCain’s 2008 campaign slogan, “Country First.’’
william cunningham

macdella cooper
macdella cooper
MacDella Cooper PHOTOS!
Posted on May 22nd, 2009 in Banking by lalate
PHOTOS! Here are pictures of MacDella Cooper who one paper claims has a child by Citigroup’s Richard Parsons. MacDella Cooper is described as a model-philanthropist by the New York Daily News today that reports Citigroup board Chairman Richard Parsons, who is married with three children, has another alleged surprise:
“Parsons and model-philanthropist MacDella Cooper are the parents of a baby girl named Ella.”
Parson’s response mirrors that of Cooper.
Parsons: “This is a private matter, and I prefer not to talk about it at this time.”Cooper: “My private life is private. I’m sure you can draw your own conclusions.”
The report says Ella was born in 2008, while Parsons was the keynote speaker for Cooper’s foundation event in 2007.
Friday, May 15, 2009
wayman tisdale
Wayman Tisdale has spent the past several years fighting bone cancer.

But the battle continued, and according to Tisdale's friend Spencer Tillman of CBS Sports, the Sooner legend succumbed this morning. He was 44.
At Oklahoma, he was an absolute beast, making three All-American teams in three collegiate seasons before being drafted by the Indiana Pacers No. 2 overall in 1985. In an 11-year pro career with the Pacers, Kings and Suns, he averaged 15 points and 6 rebounds.
oz tv
Even as Karuna Waghela, widow of 26/11 victim Thakur Waghela, was finding

On November 26, 2008, Mohammad Ajmal Qasab rushed into the lane behind G T Hospital, and gunned down 33-year-old sweeper Waghela, in the hospital quarters. Waghela’s family was compensated with Rs 5 lakh by the government. But due to differences, her in-laws retained the entire money, while she opted to leave home and fend for herself and her children.
popcorn park zoo
In the popcorn park zoo, there is a huge range of animals for kids like

Home to Popcorn Park Zoo, the facility is one of three Humane Society shelters in the state. Hundreds of rescued animals call it home, and many more have been adopted thanks to the shelter’s efforts.
But rescuing animals is an expensive business, and the facility doesn’t get any government support beyond what they need to run animal-control services for local towns.
But the zoo and shelter do have a vast resource in the surrounding community: a host of area businesses that pitch in for the animals.
gm dealer closing list
Yesterday, one of the United States’ largest automakers released the Chrysler dealerships closing list. Today, the largest U.S. auto maker will release the GM dealer closing list.
Chrysler is shutting down 789 dealerships. Check out the Chrysler dealerships closing list. General Motors, sometime today, will release the GM dealer closing list. That list will include names of 1,100 to 1,200 dealerships in the U.S. Unfortunately, for people working at of those dealers, it means they are out of jobs.
Jump on low interest loans
The GM dealers closing and the Chrysler dealerships closing means people in the market for a car may be able to get easy loans and low interest loans as the GM dealers and Chrysler dealerships closing try to liquidate their remaining inventory.
However, that’s where the good news ends. Everyone who works at a franchise on the GM dealer closing list or the Chrysler dealerships closing list will soon be collecting unemployment.
good morning america jon and kate

Confession time: I have absolutely no idea who these Jon and Kate people are or what plus eight they have. Is it eight spider monkeys? Eight chimneys? Eight copies of The Secret? All right, I’m exaggerating — I realize they have eight children. But all of a sudden Jon and Kate are everywhere and I feel like I have missed out on some kind of pop culture phenomenon. The only hitch? I honestly don’t care. First of all, I stopped watching TLC the first time they got rid of Paige Davis on Trading Spaces; it just felt like a betrayal. Second, watching a show with this many children stresses me out and makes me feel like I’m babysitting.
Third (and this one makes me a bad person, I know), I like watching TV shows with younger, attractive people, and judging from the photos of Kate, with her odd wedge cut, female-softball-player-esque hairdo, I think this show falls out of my comfort zone. I liken my avoidance of this show to that of people who stay away from The Hills, one of my personal faves. But I get that it’s not for everyone.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
lost theories

Every time the Lost season finale comes along, the die hard fans freak out a little, knowing that executive producers Damn Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are bound to throw us some kind of curveball-- sending us into the future, killing Charlie, making the island disappear, etc.
But this year the hints about the finale have been out of control, with Michael Emerson, a.k.a. the diabolical Ben Linus, promising "We have two kinds of huge shocks at the end of this one. Each one alone would be enough to keep an audience eating its own soul for the whole hiatus, but with two, I don't know what you can do with that."
So what's going to happen? We all have our own theories, so here are 10 of mine, along with what percentage chance I think there is of any of these things actually happening. Yes, some of them are a little contradictory, but this is Lost-- literally anything can happen at any moment. And that's why we love it, right?
susan reinert
The goings-on at Upper Merion High School in the late '70s were just not what one would expect from an academically superior school catering to the scions of the upper middle class. The principal was acting dangerously weird and eventually was arrested on robbery charges, and the English teacher, a bearded, charismatic hunk who was so fascinating to female teachers that he was called a "Svengali," was leading a cult-like following of teachers, both male and female.
Out of this smoldering mix would come murder and mystery, the implications of which linger to this day. On Tuesday, the strange high-school principal, Jay C. Smith, who spent six years on death row in the killing of an Upper Merion teacher and, probably, her two children before being freed on a technicality, died of heart disease at the age of 80.
Smith never ceased trying to persuade the world that he had nothing to do with the murders of Susan Reinert, 37 - whose chained, naked and battered body was found in her car in a motel parking lot near Harrisburg on June 25, 1979 - or her two children.
racing the planet
Let's just say it. The whole thing sounds insane.
For six days, people from across the world -- accountants, school teachers, farmers, CEOs -- will run 150 miles, the equivalent of five consecutive marathons, across one of southern Africa's most remote landscapes.
Without showers, toilets or beds, the racers must fend for themselves by carrying in their backpacks all the food they will need for the week. Water is rationed, despite 120-degree heat. And the racers will wear whistles to summon help should they encounter a wild animal that seems inclined to make them into dinner.montauk monster

An odd creature has apparently washed up on New York's coast, sparking claims that it may be another so-called "Montauk Monster."
A similar carcass sparked an online and media frenzy last July after appearing at a popular surfing spot near Montauk, N.Y.
Nicky Papers, who runs a Web site dedicated to the mystery, says he was contacted by a couple on May 5 who "think they’ve found what appears to be the Montauk Monster" on the North Fork of Long Island.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
louisville water company
The Louisville Water Co. is expected to receive $4 million in federal stimulus dollars, money that the utility plans to use to cover part of the cost of a $20.5 million project to build a 36-inch water line along Interstate 64 from the Gene Snyder Freeway to the Jefferson County/Shelby County line.
The pipeline will provide more water to eastern Jefferson County, which has experienced rapid residential and commercial growth over the past 15 years.
The project also includes a pump station and storage tank to improve water pressure for Copperfield, Lake Forest, Eastwood and Long Run.
The total project is expected to create 164 jobs.
mike missanelli
I've never been a fan of the talking heads shows on ESPN and ESPN2. Fortunately, I'm at work when they're on, and I don't get home until well after the PTI/Around the Horn nonsense is over. Usually the shows strike me as a bunch of guys I don't know loudly disagreeing about the minor points of a minor story, making the discussion a little more about themselves with each parry.
corie blount
Former NBA player and University of Cincinnati star Corie Blount was sentenced to one year in prison on Wednesday in a plea arrangement resulting from drug charges.
Judge rejects Blount’s claim. HAMILTON, Ohio — Former NBA player and University of Cincinnati star Corie Blount was sentenced to one year in prison on Wednesday in a plea arrangement resulting from drug charges.
“Cheech and Chong would have had a hard time smoking that much.”
Blount, 40, had pleaded guilty in Butler County Common Pleas Court last month to two felony counts of marijuana possession after prosecutors dropped two trafficking charges.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
shane fitzgerald
DUBLIN (AP) -- It was a Wiki-challenge that some journalists failed.
An Irish university student decided to test how easily news can be fabricated in the 24-hour cycle. He posted a fake quote on Wikipedia, attributed to Maurice Jarre , hours after the French composer's death March 28. The quote read, in part: "When I die there will be a final waltz playing in my head that only I can hear."
Dozens of U.S. blogs and newspaper Web sites snapped up the lyrical phrase and included it in their obituaries for the composer. Administrators for the online reference source, meanwhile, twice caught the quote's lack of attribution and removed it.
Shane Fitzgerald says he's convinced if he hadn't come forward "that quote would have gone down in history as something Maurice Jarre said."
the skinny diet
The Skinny Diet - A popular way to lose weight is a vegan diet promoted in the “Skinny Bitch” book by former model Kim Barnouin and former model agent Rory Freedman.
With the Skinny Diet, there’s no calorie counting to worry about. You can eat all the organic fruits, veggies, whole grains, and natural food you want.
However, you can forget about eating any meat, fish, dairy, eggs, sugar, artificial sweeteners, refined flour, caffeine, diet sodas, and any other food or drink that contains chemicals.
The hard-core, low-calorie vegan diet promoted in “Skinny Bitch” is based on what models use to keep the pounds off, with the aim of becoming happier, healthier, more energized — and skinny.
maya rudolph
NEW YORK, May 11 (UPI) -- U.S. actress and comedian Maya

"The first time you are like wide-eyed: 'What are we doing? Who's coming? How do we take care of them?' But this time, I'm like, 'I have to sit down, I'm pregnant,'" she said. "When you have a 3 1/2-year-old, you don't have time to rest and nap and do all the those sweet pampering type things you did for yourself the first time. You are like, 'I got to get to bed!'"
roger clemens
Roger Clemens again denies the use of steroids.
In his first interview since appearing on CBS' "60 Minutes" 17 months ago, Roger Clemens spoke for nearly 14 minutes Tuesday on ESPN Radio's "Mike and Mike in the Morning" and once again vehemently denied ever using or receiving performance-enhancing drugs from Brian McNamee, the former Blue Jays and Yankees trainer who gave federal prosecutors drug paraphernalia reportedly containing Clemens' DNA. "Impossible because he's never given me any," Clemens said. "It's as simple as that. He's never given me (human growth hormone) or any kind of performance-enhancing drug. So it's impossible."
"That's exactly right," added Clemens, who was asked to repeat his denial. "He's never injected me with HGH or steroids."
Monday, May 11, 2009
space shuttle launch
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -- Fueling has started on space shuttle Atlantis for its mission to repair the Hubble Space Telescope.
Atlantis is poised to blast off just after 1 p.m. Monday for NASA's last visit to Hubble.
The 19-year-old observatory needs new batteries, gyroscopes, cameras and other equipment. NASA hopes to keep the telescope operating for another five to 10 years.
Scientists say once the work is completed, the 19-year-old Hubble will be able to peer deeper into the cosmos and collect an unprecedented amount of data.
Forecasters put the odds of acceptable weather conditions for launch at 90 percent, about as good as it gets. Only a slight chance of rain is expected at the emergency landing site in Spain.
nia 24
Finally, the weekend is in sight. That’s good enough reason to celebrate. This time we’re celebrating with a beauty giveaway. This giveaway is a two-fer – NIA 24 Gentle Cleansing Cream and NIA 24 Sun Damage Prevention 100 Percent Mineral Sunscreen SPF 30.
The cleansing cream is touted as being infused with moisture and leaves skin feeling soft and supple. It’s good for dry or more sensitive skin. The sunscreen is weightless, oil-free and absorbs for complete protection.
Cleansing cream retails for $30; the sunscreen, $45.
To be included in the drawing, send an e-mail with your name and address to fashionmatters@opubco.com. Deadline is May 2.
go daddy email
The Southern 500 presented by GoDaddy.com takes place Saturday at Darlington Raceway in South Carolina, as an iconic race returning to a legendary track. The event was slated to run without a presenting sponsor until Go Daddy signed on. A tough economy - full of fiscal belt-tightening - has made sponsorships hard to come by for both tracks and teams this season. NASCAR fans will watch the return of this historic 500-mile race on a track awash in green and black Go Daddy banners. Go Daddy expanded its NASCAR commitment in 2009 - increasing sponsorships in both the Sprint Cup Series and Nationwide Series. The company also produced several new commercials with Go Daddy spokesman and NASCAR's most popular driver, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. and fellow driver, Brad Keselowski, and now, the Internet giant takes on title sponsorship at Darlington. Beyond having Go Daddy's name on the Southern 500, Parsons hopes to have a driver in the race as well. Brad Keselowski will attempt to qualify in the No. 25 GoDaddy.com Chevrolet in the Sprint Cup Series race.
Go Daddy, the world's dominant Web hosting domain registrar, has seen tremendous gains in the midst of recent recessionary times. Unlike many U.S. companies, Go Daddy is expanding - hiring 300 employees in the first three months of this year. With 35 million domains under management and 6.6 million customers, Go Daddy is thriving. The key to Go Daddy's success is providing people and businesses with turn-key solutions to all their Web site needs and backing those products and services with industry-best 24/7 personalized customer care.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Jennifer Lopez Reveals Daughter's Medical Scare
Jennifer Lopez Reveals Daughter's
Medical Scare
Jennifer Lopez will never forget the night she and husband Marc Anthony discovered a lump on daughter Emme's head. Emme and twin brother Max were only 3 weeks old at the time. "We both got very nervous, very very nervous, and I just remember my heart sinking to my feet," Lopez recalled at last night's Noche de Niños gala benefit for Children's Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). "I looked at [Marc] and I said, ‘You know if anything happens, I'm not going to be OK, you know that, right?'"
Lopez and Anthony rushed Emme to Children's Hospital, where she underwent a battery of tests, including an MRI. "Luckily, in the end," Lopez said, "she turned out fine."
Fine-Tuning Your Filter for Online Information
Fine-Tuning Your Filter for Online Information
On the World Wide Web, people can track political polemics, movie star malapropisms and financial fiascos. The trouble is, hopping from site to site in search of the latest Mel Gibson bon mot can waste hours. Now there's a tool that promises to automatically capture just the information you want, when you want, from the Web.
Called R.S.S. (the initials are variously said to stand for Rich Site Summary, Really Simple Syndication and more obscure formulations), this increasingly popular online tool turns a morass of disparate information sources into an automatically generated and neatly organized index of the latest articles and postings. Based on a programming language (XML, or eXtensible Markup Language) already used to create many Web sites, R.S.S. enables Internet developers to post short site summaries describing recently added or updated items and links.
master cleanser
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - Body cleanses seem to be the rage right now in eliminating toxins and losing weight. But are they safe? Do they really work? One of the most well known is

ABC 4 takes a closer look at the diet fad that refuses to fade and what Utahns think of the cleanse. Entertainer and impressionist Jason Hewlett has battled obesity his entire life. Hewlett decided to fix his body issues for good after a fan told him "No one wants to see a fat Michael Jackson."
“And I was so beaten up by that, I went on every single diet I could try,” says Hewlett.
las mananitas
Dobie describes her visit to a school in honor of moms: “At the beginning there were a few short speeches (by a couple of the teachers, all of whom are men) about appreciating our mothers, who gave us life, and fed us and loved us. It was sweet. Then a couple of students recited poems they wrote for their mothers. Then, the first dance was from Chiapas, 3 girls with big skirts and 3 boys with woven bags did their dance, and then the boys knelt down in a circle, the girls shielded them with their skirts, and when the music ended, the boys rose up with a shout and released 3 pigeons, one white, who immediately flew up into the rafters.
Then there were the pre-school and kindergarten kids, so cute in their little white blouses and flowered skirts and red headbands, the boys all in white. There was a lot of shaking and shimmying and spinning around. Everyone like him so much, he did an encore – a bolero, smooth and romantic. His voice hasn’t totally finished changing yet, so every once in a while there was a squeak instead of a full throated sound. I loved it.”
Answer: We know the club has at least six members. Let’s call two of them David and Patrick. Can they form committees with three members, yet see each other only once? No. Say Alec meets with Brad and Tom. Then he meets with Matt and David. He couldn’t meet with Patrick and not see one of the other dads a second time.
free printable mothers day cards
Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA (1888PressRelease) May 10, 2009 - On 10th May, 2009 people across the world honor the most important woman in their life, “The Mother”. First celebrated in the year 1850, Mother’s day has become the day when we honor and thank our mother for giving us life, raising us and being a source of emotional support and love. As everybody starts thinking about the best way to make this day memorable for their mothers, keeping with its tradition, Free Printable.com introduces all new ‘Free’ printable cards for the occasion.
The creative team at FreePrintable.com has come up with a brand new range of mother’s day cards. These are a mixture of exciting new themes as well as time tested vintage themed cards including theme designs such as angel design, flower designs, sketched design, graphic design and simple text designs. In addition to this range of pre designed cards Free Printable is also providing Coloring Cards for the occasion.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
banzai pipeline
Banzai Pipeline
North Shore Surfer (more commmonly known as Pipeline or Pipes) is a shoal located in the Kauailoa district in the island of Oahu.
Pipeline beach was considered one of the best beaches in the world by the Travel Channel (property of Discovery Channel). Currently Pipeline is the fixed headquarters of one of the tests pertaining to the ASP World Tour. This is one of the surfing zones with a high fatality rate, due to the immense waves and dangerous reefs. Numerous photographers and surfers
ZOahu Surfer have deceased in this heavenly place because of these waves. The last case was in 2005 when the young local surfer of 25 years, Malik Joyeux, died upon being struck violently.
gander mountain
Gander Mountain Company (www.GanderMtn.com) (Nasdaq: GMTN), the nation's largest retail network of stores for hunting, fishing, camping, and marine products and services and outdoor lifestyle apparel and footwear, today announced results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended
Gander Mountain's fiscal fourth quarter 2008 results included record consolidated sales of
houston art car parade
HOUSTON—The streets of Houston are about to get funky, folks. It’s Art Car time!

The annual Art Car Parade will roll through the Bayou City on Saturday, May 9.
You don’t have to be an artist to appreciate these pimped-out rides – everyone’s invited, and the event is free!
The cars will start lining up at 9 a.m. on Allen Parkway between Taft and downtown. If you arrive early, you’ll have a chance to admire the cars up close.
Vendors and refreshments will be on site, and the parade will get rolling at 1 p.m
Friday, May 8, 2009
pisa tinoisamoa
heritage christian school
FINDLAY, Ohio (AP) — A Christian school in Ohio says it will suspend a student if he attends a public high school prom with his girlfriend.
Despite the warning, 17-year-old Tyler Frost says he plans to attend Saturday's dance at Findlay High School, where his girlfriend is a student.
Frost goes to Heritage Christian School. The fundamentalist Baptist school in northwest Ohio forbids dancing, rock music, hand holding and kissing.
Its principal, Tim England, says Frost is facing a suspension that would keep him from attending graduation. Frost is scheduled to receive his diploma May 24.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
manny ramirez
Los Angeles Dodgers star outfielder Manny Ramirez tested positive for

Through a statement released through baseball's players' union, Ramirez said the positive test resulted from a medication prescribed by a doctor, and not from a steroid. Ramirez waived his right to challenge the suspension.
"Recently I saw a physician for a personal health issue,"ola raye
LOS ANGELES - The former Playboy centerfold who played Michael Jackson's crush in his legendary "Thriller" video wants a jury to end her nightmare of trying to collect royalties. Ola Ray, 48, filed a lawsuit in Santa Monica, Calif., Tuesday claiming Jackson deadbeat when it comes to paying for her her famous strut and blood-curdling scream in the 14-minute zombie fest.
"She just wants to get her fair share of payments from this extremely successful project that she's very proud of," her lawyer Jason Feldman told the Daily News. "She did receive some payments early on, but we don't believe they were complete, and they were never timely."Read more: "Gloves are off! 'Thriller' co-star Ola Ray sues Michael Jackson for royalties" - http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2009/05/06/2009-05-06_gloves_are_off_thriller_model_sues_for_royalties.html#ixzz0Eq15W5Lu&A
Brian Jennings is one of nation's top talk radio programmers who served as National V.P. of Talk Programming for Citadel Broadcasting,
Mygener.im is a new Facebook trouble which is spreading trap messages like “Look at mygener.im“ on facebook since the last few hours. The technique being used is a bit different now. Instead of making a user to re-login on a phishing Facebook site as the previous ones were doing, this mygener.im is infact redirecting to a site which is most probably stealing data from your computer.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
frank melton
Ten minutes after the polls closed tonight, someone found Mayor Frank Melton, 60, in a state of cardiac arrest and called for help at 7:10 p.m. As the city awaited news of his health, city election returns slowly came in, eventually revealed that Melton had been defeated, with former Mayor Harvey Johnson Jr. and Councilman Marshand Crisler headed into the May 19 runoff.
According to 16 WAPT News, which originally broke the story of Melton's cardiac arrest, AMR paramedics revived him and rushed him to St. Dominic, followed by a police car and a black SUV. There, he was put on a respirator, and his family was called in from Texas.
eric bledsoe
The rich continue to get richer in the Bluegrass, especially in the world of college basketball recruiting. Point guard Eric Bledsoe signed his letter of intent to play for UK men’s basketball head coach John Calipari and the Cats on Wednesday, UK Athletics confirmed. Bledsoe averaged 20.3 points per game, along with 9.4 rebounds and 11.5 assists in his senior year at Parker High School.
Bledsoe, the No. 3 point guard prospect in the country, according to Rivals.com, and the No. 23 player overall, chose the Cats over Calipari’s former school, Memphis. The commitment of Bledsoe, a Birmingham, Ala., native, brings the Cats’ current recruiting class up to five. Bledsoe will join DeMarcus Cousins, Darnell Dodson, Jon Hood and Daniel Orton.
The Cats are still waiting to hear on fellow point guard John Wall’s decision. Wall, regarded by Rivals as the No. 1 point guard, and overall prospect, in the country, was charged last week with misdemeanor breaking and entering at a Raleigh, N.C., residence, according to The (Raleigh) News & Observer. The late signing period ends May 20.
There are several

The interface is not only colourful and filled with Internet-based learning and entertainment opportunities, but it also simplifies the Web in virtually every way, from making the search field friendlier in appearance to presenting search results as a series of animated "snapshots" of the Web pages themselves. Sounds are integrated into the interface, too. When you click a search result, for instance, a fun sound introduces the page.
maria siemionow
A 46-year-old Ohio woman revealed Tuesday that she is the first U.S. recipient of a face transplant, a procedure that embodies both the promise of major medical advances and the ethical and economic challenges they can pose for society.
Connie Culp underwent a 22-hour procedure at the Cleveland Clinic in December to restore function to a face that was ravaged by a shotgun blast in 2004. The wound left her without a nose, lower eyelids, upper jaw, palate and other features, and she had been unable to breathe on her own, eat solid food, smell or smile. Ms. Culp had been unable to leave her home without being shunned by others and teased by children.
josh gad
One more actor has joined the cast of No Heroics - Josh Gad, best known for his role on Back to You. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Gad

The main heroes of the show are played by Paul Campbell, Arielle Kebbel and Eliza Coup. Freddie Prinze Jr. also stars as Bradley, a.k.a. Ultimatum, who is an A-list hero that torments the team's leader, Pete, a.k.a. Chillout, portrayed by Campbell.
The British version of the show is about a group of superheroes, including The Hotness, Electoclash, Timebomb and She-Force who hang out in a bar, and bemoan the fact that they're not as successful as Excelsor. ABC is describing the American version of the show as revolving around four B-list superheroes living among us.
morena baccarin
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
captain chaos
Carol Arthur’s husband, Dom Deluise died May 4, 2009. His son Peter DeLuise, said that he passed away in his sleep after a long fight with an illness. See pictures, video, and a Dom DeLuise biography here.
Actor-comedian, Dom DeLuise, died today at age 75, leaving behind wife Carol Arthur and his three sons Michael, David, and Peter Deluise. He was well known for his portly build, and pleasant nature that allowed him to be a popular character actor for both TV and movies.thedirty.com/
The first of six photos of Miss California topless has hit the internet on TheDirty.com. Alicia Jacobs, the Entertainment Reporter at KVBC in Las Vegas, has seen all six of the
Big surprise, only a matter of time before she’s posing for Playboy.
Source, Photo Source: WENN
Miss California pageant co-executive director Shanna Moakler recently revealed that the state pageant paid for Prejean's pre-pageant breast implants.
Silicon Valley Girl: Ex-Miss USA Says Group Bought Carrie Prejean's Implants
Monday, May 4, 2009
renardo sidney
They had never conversed prior to the night of the 2007 NBA
Sidney was not a random teen selected to receive an inspirational message from a new millionaire. The 6-foot-10, 245-pound high-schooler received the call because he's expected, by everyone from pundits to shoe merchants to unscrupulous businessmen, to follow in Oden's footsteps and be No. 1 on the 2010 draft board.
duwop revolotion spf 15 bronzing body moisturizer
Charla Krupp evaluated hundreds of beauty products for her 2007 book, “How Not To Look Old,” separating the good from the bad and the just plain ineffective or not worth the money.
Now the trade paperback version of the book is about to hit stores and she’s added dozens more products to stave off the signs of aging or just brighten your complexion.

Krupp will be in Denver May 7 to be the featured speaker at a Volunteers of America luncheon and that evening makes an appearance at the long-awaited Sephora store in Cherry Creek Shopping Center. (You don’t have to wait for Krupp’s PA to visit - they’re opening May 1).
In a recent phone interview, she shared some of her new favorites::
Tinted moisturizer: Definity Color Recapture, $25, Olay (drugstores)
Cream blush: Dior Pro Cheeks in Catwalk Pink, $30; Nars Blush, $25 (Sephora)
Brow filler: MAC brow finisher, $15 (MAC counters and stores)
Leg color/moisturizer: DuWop Revolotion SPF 15 Bronzing Body Moisturizer, $28
filene s basement
Apparently, personal shopping services can only do so much…
The discount department store filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy (which I guess isn’t as bad as chapter 7) this morning in an effort to reorganize their corporate structure. So what does this mean for us shoppers? Nothing right now… hopefully the store will be able to turn things around because we need MORE discount stores… not less.
Read the AP article
(Full Disclosure: Back in the day.. like waaaay back in the day.. I used to work at the Filene’s Basement in the Mall of America. Once, the Reggae star Shabba Ranks came into my check out line, buying a pair of black socks for $1.99. He wore really dark sunglasses, even though it was 8pm at night. )
Sunday, May 3, 2009
rose red mansion
his essay contains selected email queries received by HistoryLink concerning Rose Red, an ABC-TV

Friday, May 1, 2009
celtics tickets
McALLEN - Tickets go on sale tomorrow morning for the Rockets-Celtics exhibition game that will be played at Dodge Arena in October. It's the first appearance by an NBA team in the Valley since the Rockets played the Spurs in an exhibition at UT-Pan American in 1975. The Rockets will also be holding a portion of their fall training camp in McAllen with two days of practice at the McAllen Convention Center.
mint julep
LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- Racing fans who want a tall, cool drink won't have to look far at Churchill Downs, where the track will display what it calls the "world's largest mint julep" Friday and Saturday.
The 6-foot-tall display in the new Infield Club will be an acrylic replica of the glass patrons will get when ordering a mint julep during Kentucky Derby week.
The track says the replica of the collectible glass can hold about 206 gallons of the cocktail, or more than 5,000 drinks.
The Kentucky Oaks, for 3-year-old fillies, is raced Friday, with the 135th Kentucky Derby set for Saturday.
sonia sotomayor
Sonia Sotomayor, a Latina judge with 16 years of court experience, seems to be the favorite to replace Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter.
Since David H. Souter announced his plans to retire as a Supreme Court Justice, speculation continues to grow as to whom President Barack Obama will pick to fill the vacancy. Among the most talked-about names on Obama’s purported short list is Sonia Sotomayor.