Charla Krupp evaluated hundreds of beauty products for her 2007 book, “How Not To Look Old,” separating the good from the bad and the just plain ineffective or not worth the money.
Now the trade paperback version of the book is about to hit stores and she’s added dozens more products to stave off the signs of aging or just brighten your complexion.

Krupp will be in Denver May 7 to be the featured speaker at a Volunteers of America luncheon and that evening makes an appearance at the long-awaited Sephora store in Cherry Creek Shopping Center. (You don’t have to wait for Krupp’s PA to visit - they’re opening May 1).
In a recent phone interview, she shared some of her new favorites::
Tinted moisturizer: Definity Color Recapture, $25, Olay (drugstores)
Cream blush: Dior Pro Cheeks in Catwalk Pink, $30; Nars Blush, $25 (Sephora)
Brow filler: MAC brow finisher, $15 (MAC counters and stores)
Leg color/moisturizer: DuWop Revolotion SPF 15 Bronzing Body Moisturizer, $28
Have you read Charla's blog lately? She offers the best tips and tricks!