william cunningham
A state appeals court has upheld the sentence of an Erie woman convicted of swi
nging her infant son during a fight, and now the woman, Chytoria Graham, must return to the state prison system.She had been out of prison after Erie County Judge William R. Cunningham on May 5 granted a defense request that he set bond for her pending the appeal of her sentence before the state Superior Court. Her family posted $20,000 cash to get her out.The Superior Court on Thursday affirmed the five- to 10-year sentence that Cunningham imposed on Graham in December 2007. In light of that decision, Cunningham today ordered Graham, 29, to return to the Erie County Prison by 9 a.m. Wednesday so she can be transferred to state prison to resume serving the sentence.Graham was convicted of swinging her 4-week-old son, fracturing his skull, during a fight with her boyfriend in 2006. The boy has recovered.

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